

have you ever felt everything you know (or thought you know) was completely surrounded by a thick, thick, yellow fog that smells like a very frightening freedom?

i guess everytime i walk it, the world just tries to tell me (us) something, i am always trying to be conscious and open minded so that if i see answers or hints of truth anywhere, i can be able to embrace it and recognize it as such.

guess i've (we've) been getting them for a long, long time...since forever. we're just too busy trying to find it...or forget it.

go satta man. keep trying.

this is a public service announcement brought to you by lionroar entertaiment.

General surgeon warning:
this may be applied as a mind soothing balm, but may cause secondary effects or even death if consumed with alcoholic beverages or while following the capilatist-we-don't-give-a-fuck-about-anything-but-money-and-stepping-over-anyone mainstream current of the world in 2005.


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