

wondering about the origins of mankind has always been kind of annoying for me 'cause i can't seem to have a good day afterwards. there's a big amount of uncertainty in all the data and theories available in our century and people seem to be okay with it. we don't know where we're going and where we came from...doesn't matter as long as there's a new item to buy or a new idol to follow.

stanislav szukalski was one of the many that worked fiercely to create a valid theory, but this was only a kind of sideproject to his main interests and doings. at some point he was pointed out in his native poland as the "greatest living artist"; sculpture, drawings, paintings and texts made szukalski in the mid 30's an artist to name a museum after and a pride for poland. later his work was demolished altogether with his museum during the world war II, that's how he has remained esentially unknown through all these years.

now there's an exhibition in san francisco showing a large number of szukalski's work, if you happen to live nearby, please do drop by and prepare to be shocked by artwork inspired by ancient humanity... goddamn, i shoul've thought of that!!

stanislav szukalski's official site

szukalski expo at varnish fine art gallery

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