

i have had this friend for a long long time, he has just moved to barcelona and i hadn't seen him for a while. after some drinks and catching up, we ended up in this place where we met a group of underrated models working for a bathing suit company... being summer and all. me and andres thought that we'd never had a chance, but things ended up with a bunch of them coming to our flat. after many many hours of drinking and such, we were all exhausted so i had to look for a dvd or something to watch and chill with some smokes. we went through the vast dvd collection and found a bill hicks' dvd. you might ask who he is... (we did).
this guy had really conquered stand up comedy and turned it into a way of expressing really interesting issues he thought were meant to be said... and heard. during his life (he died of cancer) he constantly tried to make people embrace and understand the situation we're living in, that consciousness is a thing we should pursue and most importantly: that life is just a ride.

after the one hour documentary and one live show in L.A. we were completely blown away by this guy's act but then we lost interest and kept on doing what we were doing. now the girls have been living in our flat for almost a week and we're planning on taking a trip... and then get them out of here. be sure to check out bill hicks at these links!!!!

bill hicks official website
bill hicks' video and audio online
totally bill hicks dvd (buy it now!!!)



acrylic on illustration board, mounted on wood box
i've been doing some research on some new artists that have been working with mixed media and presenting it through digital formats. different types of illustration and photo manipulation have really shocked me with it's incredible technique and dedication. however, i tend to feel more impressed with how an artist can develop a unique concept and manipulate it through different kinds of media. this is the case for american artist jason sho green, self made and concerned with robotic feelings, a must see for all of those graphic arts maniacs...

jason sho green's work and play!

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